EMERGENCY and parent contact information must be kept current to assist the staff in the event of an emergency. This can be updated on the parent portal.
Each year, ECLC submits a safe school plan to IUSD, outlining site safety priorities. ECLC participates in monthly emergency drills.
In the event of an emergency or natural disaster, please follow these re-unification steps:
Follow the signs along the left side of the school.
Please allow emergency personnel and vehicles to access the school FIRST.
A student release table will be set up. Staff will bring the child to you.
Please sign the emergency card that you have taken your child off campus.
All children will remain with program staff until a parent or authorized person arrives.
On-site staff is trained in CPR, First Aide, and Emergency Preparedness. Food and emergency supplies are stored on campus.
Should it be necessary to evacuate children from school, the evacuation site will be posted on the office door and every effort will be made to contact parents/guardians.
The IUSD.org website will have up to date information during an Emergency.