Health Office

The Health Office assists a student with health issues, including illness, injury, medications, and medical conditions. The health office staff includes a credentialed school nurse and a health assistant. 

Health Guidelines for School Attendance

In order to provide a healthy school environment for all children and staff, the following guidelines have been prepared to assist you in decisions relating to your child's health and school attendance. 

  • If your child is not feeling well and you are uncertain about sending him/her to school on any given day, it is best to keep our child home and observe him/her for worsening symptoms. 
  • If a child is too ill to attend school in the morning, it is recommended that he/she stay home all day. 
  • When you make the decision to keep your child home, please notify the school secretary or attendance line that your child will be absent and state the nature of your child's illness. 

Please refer to IUSDs Health Guidelines for School Attendance 


Physician's Report

Our preschool operates in accordance with California state law (California Code of regulations Title 22, Div. 12, Chap. 1, Art 6, 101220), which mandates that we have a current health examination report on file for every enrolled child. This report must be dated no more than a year prior to enrollment and should be submitted prior to, or within 30 calendar days following the enrollment of a child. 

Physician's Report Licensing Form

Medications At School

Whenever possible, the parent or guardian should make arrangements so that it is not necessary for school personnel to administer a medication to a student. However there are cases when a student's health could be compromised by not getting medication during school hours. When sending any prescription or non- prescription medication to school each year, the parent must:

  • Medication prescribed by a licensed authorized health care provider must have the pharmacy label attached and clearly state the students name, name of medication and dosage of medication to be given.
  • Non-prescription medication must be sent in the original container with directions.
  • A completed IUSD Medication Administration form signed by both the parent and licensed authorized health care provider must accompany the medication for both prescribed medication or non-prescription medication. 

Request for Medication Administration

Medication Administrative Regulation - 5141.21