Dear families and students,
Welcome to ECLC! We hope you are eager to begin your school experience at ECLC. The start of a new school experience brings with it many transitions for children, families, and staff. It represents a time of closure and new beginnings filled with anticipation and opportunities yet to unfold. We are excited to have you join our ECLC family!
ECLC’s vision is to create a safe, supportive, and nurturing learning environment for all children, families, and staff which promotes social emotional competence as a foundation for developing the whole child. We achieve this by celebrating the strengths of all learners and supporting the growth of physical, social emotional, language, literacy and pre-academic skills through developmentally appropriate practices that serve as a foundation for ongoing learning.
On ECLC’s website you will find valuable information regarding the preschool program and policies, family resources, school safety, and a plethora of family resources to assist families in supporting the early skill development of preschool children in developmentally appropriate ways. Please visit our web-site regularly to find up-to-date information about ECLC and upcoming events!
I encourage each of you to become a member of the ECLC PTA (Parent Teacher Association). ECLC’s PTA was first established in 2010 and continues to serve as the only preschool PTA in the state of California! The PTA provides resources to support all of our students, teachers, and staff at ECLC. Each year, through effective fundraising efforts, PTA supports site-wide student events; emergency preparedness; book fairs; teacher and staff appreciation days; hospitality for parent education workshops; back-to-school and open-house nights; technology purchases; garden enhancements; and instructional supplies. Please look for information throughout the year regarding ways to participate and get involved in the ECLC PTA.
On behalf of the ECLC staff, we look forward to a fabulous year of learning for all!

Erin Ferguson